The first track, laid down as Tuggers and Oddy slumbered and myself and Dano thought about what to do, was The Pinkos Are Snoozing (sort of an appropriate title for the amount of graft we put in today, n'est pas?) ...
The second one is It'll Never Work, which ironically was one of the few tracks which did seem to work ... I'll probably take it as a demo and work a finalised version onto the new Messy album... if I get lyrics the title will probably change.
The third one is My Apple Juice (again, only really a working title), which for various reasons may be worked again into some Shindig release or other (it's Tugboat and Oddy's work, and sexy work I think too ...) but yeah ... we just couldn't get going today. Some day in the coming months we might get a Shindig Pinkos album up, but unfortunately the absolute earliest outlook seems to be summer. Til then, it'll be solo projects and nothing but ...
it'll never work, doesnt work (by which I mean the link is broken)
which links be broken?
that link be broked
fixed... good times.
that one's class
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