More college work shenanigans, directed and feat music by myself. Basically an excuse for me an Diarmo to go on the piss and hit the central. Cheers to Messy A, and Tugboat for the thumpin Bass.
So 2007 was probably my (if not our whole crew's) least musically productive year yet. We did get some hip and happening stuff done though:
January started as the year was to go on, with a failed attempt at a second album-a-day by the Pinkos. Another of those quite possibly in the pipelines though, even if just to kickstart us back into action...
February seemed to be one of those months where drinking etc. took precedence over, well, anything else really. Although it did produce this Shindig classic.
July was the big release and live show month - a whale of a time was had by all in the Orchard, and Universal recently sold out of copies of the album, so thanks everyone!
In August, it was back to the grind of going out far too often for our own health, with occasional musical endeavours.
September arrives, more promises of new material are made and broken and:
Felix from Hot Chip comes to Letterkenny with a crate of thumping minimal, backed by our own DJ Dano and some incredibly annoying crowd noises
Apparently nothing happened in October, while we relocated once again to Belfast, Dublin, etc.
And finally, in December just past, probably more drinking than all year (for me anyway) and Dano provides the B-Koz album for download for those who couldn't get their hands on a hard copy.
And so to 2008 then. Immediate plans: looks like myself and Diarmaid are gonna work on some new music before January is out, with the current aim of an EP or similarly small collection of songs.
The Pinkos will hopefully reunite and get that sophomore album-a-day done, finally. The Super Eight Kids might have a wee tinker in the studio, and myself and Fionn and Dano will hopefully get some stuff done in our Belfast "studio" (dining room). I'm also gonna tidy up and clear out my hard drive of all the crap tunes I've accumulated in the past few years and start afresh when my new interface and headphones arrive.
2007 was mostly a year of broken musical promises (for me anyway) - here's to 2008 being a damn-sight more prolific. Happy new year ya filthy animals!